PT-Barnum wrote the book in the 1920's, and he was a smart guy, not like the dumb-ass grifters running the ponzis we have now;

Recall the Raygun years when "Forest Gump" was being lionized, USSA is a nation of Gump's, But Forest had a good heart; In fact everybody in that movie had essentially a good heart; Hey that was Hollywood;

The problem is that USSA is a nation of Forest-Gump's with low IQ and leaning towards sociopathy. Like now, what kind of parent lets their kid jabbed knowing full well they could be crippled for life? What kind of parent let's their kid stay over at Michael Jackson's 'Neverland" for a bag of cash? When the majority of parents are willing to prostitute their own children what does that say about the society towards the mass?

Now we have per Samantha Power that UKRAINE is fighting our war against Russian, and no American non-binary are dying; Does anybody in the USSA give a fuck? Hell no, because so long as we're consuming, we don't give a fuck about anybody dying; It's just baked in; The demoRat party has always been the party of war, the rePug party has always been the party of theft; That goes back to 1920's and earlier, everybody knew it; The demoRat being a non-war party was just a window in the 1960's-1980's, once they got Clinton in, they went back to being a full war party and shutdown any anti-war on movement;

Yes WEF is a joke, not the real driver of the Western insanity which I would say be Bilderberg, CFR, & Tri-Lateral; But so what those are old dying legacy men; The real owners of the world destroy nations every 4-6 generations so they can buy-low/sell-high so they can keep getting a 10X ROI forever so their spawn can also live like kings; This is what the purpose of the Banks in London are all about, permanent trust-funds for elite spawn. Like now anti-fa burning down citys so that SOROS can buy black-hoods cheap and build condos for elite zionists and earn 100x this how billionaires stay billionaires;


Nothing will come of the COVID investigation, they covered up the spanish-flu of 1918, this will be the same.


Per your OP thinking the same in the last 24 hours, a nation of morons kept in the dark and fed shit, what can go wrong??


Lastly, the civil-war is coming; If you haven't already escaped the USSA prison get out now, just like during the holocaust, nobody would except Jewish refugees post 1938; Same is coming in a few years no nation on earth is going to accept USSA refugees.


This last link is good for those that need to know the how&why for the coming genocidal cleansing of the USSA;

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Zerohedge is owned by ABC-MEDIA LTD -UK

ABC-media-UK is owned by SERCO-UK

Serco used to be called RCA-UK back in 1920's and owned by BUSH family that brought HITLER to power

Today SERCO controls world private prisons and ATC - Air Traffic Control; SERCO is the most feared 'deep-state' company in the UK, its the muscle & brains of MI-5/6

Truth? Germans lost WW2, Nazi's Won.

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Big facts. Did not know the genealogy of ZH. Fascinating stuff.

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We know who it is, they admit it.

The origin of "You will own nothing and you will be happy"


That 1800's letter to Marx can be found archived in this Paris journal where it was later published - https://archive.md/OHKP8

"We love persecution, it justifies offense"


All wars, are banker wars, with the end goal of exterminating Europeans in the US and America.



They openly admit this on YOUTUBE but people are so brainwashed they can't see what's right in front of them as the enemy admits what they are doing.


Remember all those who warned, and were persecuted by their own people for doing so.

Because even Chuck Woolery knows


Solj warned in 200 years together, and now we are all DOOMED because people wouldn't listen.





Even Martin Luther warned how they were infiltrating the medical systems.


I have 100's more of those along with 7GB of video but it's like SHOUTING INTO THE WIND.

Even slavery, all blamed on the middle class who had nothing to do with it, as the Marxist rile up everyone else against their enemies.





All by a group who isn't even what they claim to be, the Acts 7:43/Amos 5:26 star from Babylon right out in the open but people wouldn't listen, it's the Rev 3:9 group.



Run to Jesus Christ while there's still time to do so.

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Holy crap dude this is a great list!

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All 100% true facts and links.

The only way to completely view this chain of events is to understand that Rothschild first published 'Marx&Engles' work in 1840, and funded them, the words weren't translated into english until 1880's, so the west was delayed 40 years in education in understanding the capitalism/communism, and fascism ideologys to come to make wars.

big-banks (rothschild 1800's) to big-oil rockefeller 1880's to big-pharma 1930's rockefeller to big-computation gates/musk 1990's; Every 60-80 years the leadership changes, but even Musk is deBeers old south-african rhodes money, and gates is old bush nazism eugencis from 1920's UK

Post 1920's besides bringing HITLER to power, Rockefeller also brought MAO & STALIN to power, and educated them; Ergo modern CHINA&RUSSIA are a product of Rockefeller;

Yes, still plan is on deagle-report USSA & EU to be destroyed and de-populated, UK commonwealth countrys to be sold-off to china&saudi; Elite wealth is generated by wars, where they buy low and sell high, like now where anti-fa destroys USA citys for SOROS, who buys land cheap after blacks burn down their homes and then buys cheap land to build high-condos for zionist investors;

Lastly, Zionism, nazism and khazarians are NOT Jews, they adopted judasim in 12AD so they can do usury, which then was forbidden by christians & muslim, the khazarians running banks and now oil, pharma, computation are SATANIC, and NOT JEWS;

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This reminds me of the "Everything Is A Banker's Trick" documentary/video

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